Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I am...a Skeptic

Tryin to get back on blogging schedule..the last 2 days I feel all discombobulated..still reading that great book and todays chapter was written just for the topic is I AM a Skeptic...

lets define skeptic-noun-1. a person who questions the validity or authenticity of something purporting to be factual. 2. a person who maintains a doubting attitude, as toward values, plans, statements, or the character of others...also lets define doubt-verb-1. to be uncertain about something; be undecided in opinion or belief. 2. to distrust.

i have always been a super analytical kind of person..trying to understand the how's and why's to helps me feel more in control if i can apply logic and reason to things...but this is exhausting as most people control freaks know..ur entire day can be consumed by all the details and explanations of why people do what they u can see by the definition it boils down to TRUST or the lack thereof..this is a biggie with me..i know i have trust issues..big ones..u have to earn trust and if u ever break my trust u can pretty much count on things never being the same...90% of the time im playing devils advocate and looking at the flip side to why someone did something, especially if its out of the ordinary...if u can figure out what the reason is behind why someone does helps u predict their future behavior when the same situation my mind if i can predict ahead of time what someones reaction will be..i can better prepare myself to deal with it the next time..or know how to influence that persons behavior by changing what i do..i know its all a bunch of psycho babble BS..but this is the mess goin on in my head...this helps me determine if i can trust that person..if time after time they are predictable, reliable and do what they say they will do...

are u a doubter or a believer? u blindly trust people to be good natured, decent human beings who have ur best interests in mind?..or do u think everyone has an ulterior motive?

to keep my philosophy is...1. dont ask questions u dont want to know the answers to...2. dont stress over things u cant control (mostly men)...3. choose ur battles...4. be grateful for the good things...5. trust ur instincts..

doubt is a choice..and im tryin to change in baby steps...until next time...

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