Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I Am...the clay

I was talking with a friend today about fulfilling your purpose..we questioned is it possible to miss the mark?..can you go your whole life and never achieve it?..is it ever too late?..my answer was NO..

This reminds me of the potter and the clay...the potter has the power and foreknowledge as to what his plan is for the clay...he knows the strengths and limitations to which he can stretch and pull the clay to make it into a beautiful masterpiece...

On the other hand, the clay always has the ability to become a masterpiece..even if the clay dries to a brick..with care from the potter it can be revived and still brought to its full potential..but the natural state of the clay resists the potter..it can take hours to soften the clay so that it can be molded and shaped to become "all that it can be".

i think that God never loses sight of what our full potential is(especially since He created us..lol)..and He knows beforehand that we will do things that cause us to stray from what our ideal plan might be..but all and all we never lose the potential to meet or fulfill our predestined purpose...

i think the key is that the clay cant be molded until is "gives" and becomes soft..personally, i have found that my stubbornness in giving up that last little bit of control(over many things) is what has prevented me from being mold-able..once i give that up..God can shape me into the masterpiece He has always envisioned for me to be.

...until next time!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That was inspiring, It gave me thought!I too was once soft and moldable, but have since become hardened. The way I see it is, instead of being moled into what God wants me to be, now I have to be sculpted. Either way you're still going to be what God wants you to be!